Thursday, July 2, 2020

Beyoncé Encourages BLM Protestors to ‘Continue to Change and Dismantle a Racist and Unequal System’

Time to pick up a book, or time to find a movie, or time to turn the pages on the life and times of a great man with lots of stories to share, recorded and still taught as a different point of view, and the insights of the people were also covered in the things that he wrote.Dickens Worlds :

SECRETS OF PHILOSOPHY THAN IN ARMS....'My Memories. My Life .My Loves.No More Rain By Angie Stone .- Wikipedia.Moments Lost In Time. Hit The Road, Jack, Do Not Return, English ?
This is a story, of a real veteran, that got lost, away from family, away from friends, hurt and broken again. Hell and back, hell to pay, lost my mind, lost my family, lost my house, lost my roots, lost my tree, back to square one. To start over...
This is a story, of a real veteran, that got lost, away from family, away from friends, hurt and broken again. Hell and back, hell to pay, lost my mind, lost my family, lost my house, lost my roots, lost my tree, back to square one. To start over...
Hog tales, pigs and freaks to fuck, good times, bones to pick, bones to bury, good times, rides for free. Fun and games, joys and pains, d...

 Stuck on stupid, stuck on looks, stuck between a rock, and stuck in a hard place.

Cheers and chaps, American Tales, chicks and babes, in the layers of lights. Veterans with skill, rites and reasons, seasons of love, joy and laughter, pages to books, songs to sing, glory dazes to come. The Real Reasons Girls Call Other Girls "Fat" -💀Suicide Squad❤speak the truth. love you all .💜🌹😘 Day of Rebirth: Dawn Begins:to call, donkeys and sluts for free rides, joys and pains, dances with dogs, dances in the dark, dances for the rites to write. NY escapees. Wings to Fly, Pigs, Hogs, Whales To Float?

Attention Walmart Shoppers 🔊.Dicks out of Box: Freaks Out:Veterans Housing Program:Classes on love and devotion. Battles played on land, battles by texts, battles done by email, battles over and done. Fuck the battles, who wins the wars, history created, not news today.Dicks out of Box: Beneath The Story:Lovers and hater, bats out of hell, hell hounds on earth, devils in glasses, clear as mud views to share.

So wats up with you today feeling like meeting new people I mean me in Fairmont Park for so strange just tell me the time and eT color your car is I'm not sure if you are into younger guys .Time never stops, wheels of life, wheels on a car, ways to make a dash, time as a wheel, time goes forward. Stuck on stupid, stuck on looks, stuck between a rock, and stuck in a hard place.

Love doesn't hurt you. A person that doesn't know how to love hurts you. Don't get it twisted.Houses and homes, dreams of life on the beach, veterans on the street, without homes, lots of luck, lots of love, lots of hard knocks to some.

Riding Waves, Dances With Drama, Birds To Fly, Rocks Under Sands. Pages to turn, stories to write, good, bad, and ugly, fish and frogs.

Wolves.����Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self discovery:
RV campers for life, life is a beach. Dances on the sands of time, ways to grow, ways to expand, ways to turn the pages of lovers from hell. Dances in the dark, good times, dances on the sands of time, hands to hearts, hands to hand, battles, wars, wits, charms, love, luck, coins to flip.Heavens Open : m4w 54 (OXNARD) Love And Luck, Coins To Flip ...According to Hannity there will be some bombshell deep State News either tonight or tomorrow. Of course we know that James Baker has been squealing like a stuffed pig.Lessons Daily Hits, Friends, Family, Masks In Place: Moves Made Red Caps, Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done,.LIFE QUOTES:

Image result for Good Times, Raining Frogs, Golden Showers, Golden Cattle, Where Is The Beef, Whales On Land, Pigs And Hogs, Faces In The Crowds.

Just thankful for the lessons learned, with out the trips to the hospital to replace the missing part, thankful for another day on the right side of the grave. Graves to you and graves to me, death done on the wild side for the sex, drugs, and turns to sit on the faces of fools and frogs, hell hounds to date, whales on land, at the schools of hard knocks, UCLA butches, bitches and whales, for the BBWs moments on the fence of the tricks and trades.Happy for another day in the present, hopes for a better tomorrow. Donkeys and Asses: Sheri and lover, Rachel Jarrot, Fag Hags 1 & 2:Good Time Toads.Lessons Daily Hits, Friends, Family, Masks In Place: Moves Made Red Caps, Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done,.LIFE QUOTES:

Trips to the moon, trips into the woods, spiders and snakes. Classes on the beach, snakes in dens, wolves hidden in the dark....Ghosts and spooks sitting at the doors, bones in boxes, in garden of the expired. Good times, good stories, history recorded, his lies, history hidden in darkness.Hell hounds to date. TIPS: TO SHARE, shame and hate, history written and recorded, fairy tales for young at heat. Balls in the air, blue balls to spare, tricks and treats, to cum at night.Donkeys and Asses: Sheri and lover, Rachel Jarrot, Fag Hags 1 & 2:Good Time Toads.Lessons Daily Hits, Friends, Family, Masks In Place: Moves Made Red Caps, Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done,.LIFE QUOTES:

I'm not that young 😂 52 if you're interested fucking in your back seat like newlly Weds sounds fun so let me know okay Ronnie.Frank Agresti ,"A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar." — Stephen King . Views, Voices, Values, Silent Knight, Lions To Roar.

Well, if the prince gets the princess in a straight fairy tale, the frog gets the gal — or vice-versa —And I'm stuck in the middle...between bitches, lying cunts, charlatans, and know-it-all users and abusers.A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar." — Stephen King .


Golden Calf: Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Faces In The Herd. What beef? 
Love doesn't hurt you. A person that doesn't know how to love hurts you. Don't get it twisted.

Cows To Call, Dung To Trade.Snakes in the grass or bullfrogs. Say it Again girl: Earth Angels, Birds And Butterflies, Songs Played. Daily walks. Love, love, love!It is NOT Happy Holidays. It IS Merry Chrstmas No more "political correctness" say it like it is...


Black Male Image, Masters, Men, Mice, Monsters, Under The Layers. Dung And Fecal Matters.   Good morning Family. Look within for the answers.Trades Made.Don't Cry. THINGS IN COMMON. Homes, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Motions:THE STORY✰First Sight.Craigslist is crap ,Snakes And Frogs, Dicks Out Of The Box, Donkeys To Ride.

To Bury, To Burn, Dust In The Winds, Graves For You, Graves To Me, Bones In A Box, Rest In Peace, At The End Of Days On Earth.Gems To Find, Jews In The Cities, Rats And Roaches.

 Lessons Daily Hits, Friends, Family, Masks In Place: Moves Made Red Caps, Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done,.LIFE QUOTES. Notes Of Nuts,Normal, Weird, Strange, Family members › 2017/04 › notes-of-...

BEE GEES – TO MUCH HEAVEN .Rites to self, rebirths daily, chances to change, faces in the crowds.
Image may contain: one or more people and people standing, text that says 'Walking into this Week witha Prayer anda a Plan. YESIMAP I'M'

Tina Turner - What's Love Got to Do with It (Black & White Version)

One Love, One Hand, Smoke Signs, Happy Dazes:

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Daniel Evans,Voided: the expired listing, is not something, we want to show, how we fucked up, in so many ways.

Voices In My Head. Me:Daniel Evans,Voided: the expired listing, is not something, we want to show, how we fucked up, in so many ways. Foll...